Last year, DISH won a $25 million lawsuit against the makers of Shava TV for selling piracy devices. Now DISH has started to go after stores that sell these devices commonly known as “Kodi Boxes.”
Earlier this year, DISH filed a lawsuit against several New York stores including “ABC Wireless NYC,” “Family Phone,” and “Goyal Group.”
According to the lawsuit, “DISH sues for contributory copyright infringement because Defendants knew that Shava TV set-top boxes and service plans were providing access to television channels exclusively licensed to DISH and materially contributed to direct copyright infringement by Shava and persons purchasing Shava TV set-top boxes and services from Defendants.”
This marks a notable change in strategy for DISH and others trying to crack down on the sale of piracy devices. These devices are often called “Kodi Boxes” because they use third-party add-ons that run on the popular Kodi media center. Whereas the team at Kodi has nothing to do with this piracy, many have used their software to make cheap, quick piracy devices.
For years now, especially in the UK, stores have come under fire for selling piracy devices. For some store owners, it has even resulted in jail time. Yet in the United States, most stores selling piracy have gone unnoticed. You can even find these stores inside major malls and US military posts at the PX. But that is all about to change.
For more, check the website TorrentFreak.
It looks like DISH and others are hoping to set a precedent with these cases that can be used to go after other sellers of piracy devices. Already since the lawsuits started some sellers have vanished from store fronts around the United States.
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